Winning Group to acquire Räuchle

Successful sale of Räuchle GmbH & Co. KG: The insolvent automotive supplier from Dietenheim will be taken over by the German-Czech Winning Group a.s. on May 1st, 2022. Thanks to the new owner, Räuchle’s business operations will continue under the newly founded company “Winning CoFo – Räuchle GmbH”. After customer orders plummeted as a result of the…Read more

Winning Group to acquire Linden Group and SMK

February 1rst, 2022, Brno/Czech Republic Winning Group a.s. acquired through its subsidiaries (Winning Plastics) the assets of Linden GmbH and Sächsische Metall- und Kunstoffveredlungs GmbH (SMK) from the insolvency administrator heading the regular insolvency proceedings of both companies. Part of the transaction is also the 100% share in the Czech operations of Linden s.r.o. in…Read more

EP Industries to partner in Winning Automotive 8th of December 2020 Remscheid / Germany, Prague / Czech Republic and Brno / Czech Republic

Winning Group a.s. and EP Industries a.s. established a joint venture via the company Winning Automotive a.s. Both partners jointly control the company, each of them holding 50% of voting rights whereas Winning Group nominated the company’s CEO and further supports the day to day business. Winning Automotive a.s. recently acquired through its subsidiaries Winning BLW…Read more

Winning Group a.s. announces a change in ownership structure.

The majority owner and leader of the group, Mr. Sebastian P. Wagner, buys through Winning SW Holding s.r.o. the remaining 30% stake from WINNING ABS s.r.o., which is owned by Mr. Ing. Pavel Absolín. Winning SW Holding s.r.o. became the 100% owner of the holding Winning Group a.s. on 14.05.2020 Pavel Absolín will continue to work…Read more